Guest Workshop: Insight to the life of a K9 Unit Handler
- Background to working dogs
- Duties of the k9 handler

Guest Workshop: Insight to the life of a Marine Conservationist - Sharks/Turtle Edition!
- Fun facts on animals in the ocean
- Introduction to sharks/turtles
- what does a Conservationist do?
- How you can help
Guest Workshop: Insight to the life of a Environmental Conservationist
- What happens if we see wildlife (e.g., otters ) intruding into our space?
- Introduction to Singapore's biodiversity, specifically wildlife
- what does a Conservationist do?
- How you can help

Guest Workshops: Insight to the life of a Veterinary Technician
- Introduction to veterinary care
- What does a vet tech do?
- How to be involved
Contact us at for more information.
Additional points to note
Sometimes, AWA brings live animals onsite during animal interaction sessions. Animals are sentient individuals with their own personalities- with likes, dislikes, and fears. AWA reserves the right to remove any animal from the premises should the animal be feeling (but not limited to): stressed, angry, and/or scared. This protects both the participants and the animals so we can ensure a safe environment for both parties.